Our Services
Data Center and Collocation Services
Data center colocation services help businesses reach their full potential by not only providing cost savings but also sustaining and providing an excellent business infrastructure. Colocation offers power access, delivery and efficiency. It gives you the best solution for power, connectivity, bandwidth and latency.
Ready to find out more?
Halo will guide you through a process to document, identify and execute a strategy to transform your workflows and processes to achieve digital transformation.
These are some of the steps applied to each area of focus:
1. Baseline and document business processes and goals
Document the various activities across the business and assemble activities into general processes. Don’t focus on systems; focus on processes that support business objectives. Once completed, you’ll have a standardized set of documented processes for the target business areas.
Next, identify the goal(s) for each process to determine when it’s been successfully executed. An example of a process name may be ”Check in walk-in rental guest”, with a goal to complete the reservation, check in the guest, and provide orientation information within six minutes.
2. Identify key processes that contribute to your company’s “secret sauce”
Determine which processes are fundamental to your company’s success, especially ones that differentiate you from your competitors. Consider the difference between processes with goals that meet customer expectations and processes that help you exceed expectations.
3. Identify how legacy technology systems affect your processes
Finally, evaluate all activities and processes to ensure any items that were driven due to requirements from technology systems have been removed. Asking why a process or activity is done can help identify these activities and processes to keep them from being carried over to the new system.
As new technology systems are implemented, the baseline processes can be used to ensure that the new system accomplishes your company’s primary processes and goals. The goals for each process should be achieved even if the new system changes the steps or activities executed to complete a process and achieve the goal.
Halo Communications Group has been implementing new systems and processes for three decades. We know that new systems can be a growth opportunity for any operation. It’s sometimes difficult to embrace the give-and-take of improved processes and procedures, but when the results are in, it’s always worth it.